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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism are problems in Hempstead, NY. that are a serious concern in the community. Although alcohol use is very common and accepted in society, it is still a drug. While it is a legal drug, the risk of abuse and addiction is extremely high. And as with any addiction to any drug, alcohol addiction and alcoholism can destroy a person physically and wreak havoc in their lives.

Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Hempstead can start when someone loses control of the amount of alcohol they are consuming. Once an alcoholic has one drink, it is almost impossible for them to limit their intake. One drink turns into an out of control binge which becomes a pattern of abuse that the person cannot find their way out of.

Alcohol can cause a great deal of physical damage to someone who is addicted to it. Individuals addicted to alcohol have not only lost control of their drinking, they have lost control of their lives. Obsessive drinking takes up a great deal of focus, and alcoholics often damage many of their important relationships by their behavior and poor decision making. It is important that someone in Hempstead, New York with an alcohol addiction seeks help from a qualified Alcoholism Rehab Facility, before they have nothing left.

Getting treatment in Hempstead for alcohol addiction and alcoholism is an individual's best bet at a lasting recovery. Individuals who admit that they have a drinking problem can avail themselves of counseling, peer support and the help of specialists, all of which will ensure that the psychological and emotional issues are addressed. They can take the time to confront their addiction head on and get back control of their life. An effective Alcohol Rehab Program will guide the individual in the right direction to ensure a long-term sobriety.

Individuals in Hempstead, NY. that have been addicted to alcohol for some time and stop drinking may experience withdrawals symptoms which can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. An Alcohol Abuse Rehab Center in Hempstead can help the individual get successfully through withdrawal symptoms and alcohol detoxification. The individual will have an easier time with withdrawal and detox as part of treatment, rather than attempting to do so on their own.

Individual needs for alcohol addiction treatment and alcoholism can vary from person to person, Examples of treatment options available in Hempstead, New York are Long-term Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Programs, Outpatient Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs, Short-term Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities, Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Facilities, support group meetings, substance abuse counseling, halfway houses and sober living.

Don't let alcohol addiction or alcoholism destroy your life or the life of someone you care about. Contact a counselor in Hempstead today and discover which Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Facility will work for you or someone you care about today.

  • Contact Us
  • Alcohol use is involved in approximately 25% to 50% of adolescent and adult deaths associated with water recreation.
  • Blood Alcohol Level of .40%: You are probably in a coma. The nerve centers controlling your heartbeat and respiration are slowing down, and it's a miracle if you're not dead. In April 1994, a 21-year-old student died of alcohol poisoning with a BAL of .40% after a Hell Night party.
  • Bedtime alcohol consumption among older persons may lead to unsteadiness if walking is attempted at night, increasing the risk of falls and injuries.
  • Adequate supervision and clear communication by parents about the negative effects of alcohol and about parental expectations regarding alcohol and other drug use can significantly decrease alcohol use in teens.
  • AA Meetings in Hempstead, NY.
  • Inwood We Can Do It Together
    St Paul's Church
    Lord Ave
    Hempstead, New York 11549

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Saturday, 1:00 PM

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